Living each day with eternity in mind gives even the weakest individual a strong desire to go on; it makes the unbearable in this life less painful for it is the end goal to all that we must suffer here on Earth. Todd & Sonja Burpo learnt that from there son's experience with the afterlife which produced the book Heaven is for Real. Heaven Changes Everything is a continuation of the number one best seller. Todd & Sonja Burpo outline how we should live our life while on our journey to Heaven. The truth is that we are not there (Heaven) yet and there are many bumps and turns in the road, They share stories of the importance of forgiveness, friends and giving. The family has shared their positive experiences with groups of all ages to enjoy. They are giving back what has been giving to them, the message of hope. I was given the opportunity to read this exceptional book by Book Sneeze in exchange for my honest review. Heaven is a favorite subject for me because of a chronic spinal condition and Heaven Changes Everything confirms the joy that awaits loyal Christians. It is a book of Joy and Promise and I highly recommend it for all readers.