Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Miracle in a Young Mans Heart

    Redemption is Bryan Clay's testimony of  how God changed his  life and guided him into winning   the 2008 Olympic gold medal as well as the 2004 Olympic silver medal in the decathlon.  As a young adult, the author was full of anger and pain enough to set him on the road to self-destruction.  Not unlike a lot of young men of today, he dabbled in drugs and found himself in a lot of fist fighting matches.  For this reason, his story can and will reach the hearts of  young people.  Everyone knows that they tend to listen to someone who understands where they are at and why they feel the way that they do.  This book is also very inspiring for parents as it explains in depth, the unwaivering faith of his mother and how she never ceased in praying for her son. She never gave up, this being a firm reminder for other parents to pray continously for your children.  For all readers, this fact based book is a Hope that God can acheive the impossible.  When the Lord touches this young man's heart it is a joy to hear of his further transformation.  Once suicidal, Bryan Clay finds real purpose and meaning in his life.  I am honored to have previewed his book for BookSneeze on line in exchange for my opinion.  I foresee his story blessing many others in the future and applaud him for having the courage to share the aspects of  his young years.

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