Wednesday, March 6, 2013

We Live In a Spiritual World

Author Steve Sjogren's HEAVEN'S LESSONS- Ten Lessons I Learnt About God When I Died is a fascinating read.  Rarely do I read a book twice, let alone twice in a row but Sjogren's journey was so exciting I just had to reread to ensure not missing one thing.  I thank Booksneeze for the ability to read his story in exchange for my thoughts.  This book will convince the reader that miracles were not done away with years ago and that God still speaks to his people today.  He is a real God wanting to get closer to his children.  Imagine going into the hospital for a very simple  procedure like having your gall bladder removed only to find out you don't have a gall bladder.  The surgeons accidently cut into a main artery which leaks blood into the back of Steve's body and it's nearly an hour later before they discover their error.  By now Sjogren is flat-lining.  Having coded for close to seven minutes can cause enormous damage to the body.  Although Steve suffers with some necrosis he is protected by major difficulties because of the Grace of God.  The Book describes in depth the glory of Heaven that he witnessed and the meeting with Angels.  Not to take from the author's testimony, it is up to you to read.  There is shocking revelations about Bob Dylan and Robert (Bob) Kardashian who was an Elder in the church at one time.  Yes, Kim's dad.  I found great comfort and joy in this book and hope that everyone gets a chance to read it.  Don't shortchange yourself!

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