Peter Lamas is a man after many women's hearts; he knows what moves and motivates us and he has created a successful skin and haircare line that truly brings out our best. Most recently he has
created an inspirational website with you in mind Project Beautiful . Peter's goal is in sharing how to feel good about yourself (not only outwardly but inwardly also). At Project Beautiful you can read his blog, make new friendships, ask questions and connect with his facebook videos and enter Giveaways Peter Lamas Beauty on Facebook . I absolutely love going to his website because there is something encouraging to be found there every single day.
I was fortunate enough to be able to try some of Peter Lamas newest products and after using, I am now an instant huge fan. All his products can be found at Peter Lamas Website .
The Peter Lamas Naturals Exfoliating Pumpkin Facial Scrub is for all skin types. It leaves my face feeling tickling clean. The scent is heavenly. The features and benefits of using this scrub are in his own words
I also choose to try Peter Lamas Hydrating Shampoo & Conditioner for Chemically treated, Dry or Damaged Hair. They are environment friendly and an ancient herb remedy he updated for use for today. I was so impressed with this combination treatment for damaged locks. This is the only shampoo where I did not have to suffer with fly away hair afterwards. It was silky smooth and seemed to hold my hairstyle better. This is Peter Lamas Soy & Baobab Oil line. I highly recommend. This is part one of my Peter Lamas blog, will continue later this week.