Dannah Gresh's '"And The Bride Wore White`Seven Secrets to Sexual Purity"' is the perfect book to share with teen daughter's. Sometimes our children listen better to others who can relate to them and this book establishes to young women that if you want true joy and confidence, it is better to wait to have sex. The world we live in now is much more difficult for young people when the majority of their peers are going in the wrong direction. Ms. Gresh also addresses important topics
such as breaking off bad relationships and shares testimonies from her readers. Speak to any teenager who got pregnant in her early years and she will tell you that she wished to have waited. I applaud Dannah Gresh for this much needed book and pray that she will touch the hearts of all those who read it. As a member of Moody Publishers Blog Reviewers I was able to read this publication in exchange for my honest opinions. Excellent Resource.