Saturday, April 8, 2017

Eye Has Not Seen nor Ear Heard

                    Steven R. Musick was a typical young person with plans for his future, very much like any young adult when he had a tragic mishap.  He became comatose for five weeks after suffering from an allergic reaction from a vaccine.  It also caused his heart to stop. 
During this period of time God grants Musick a peek into Heaven.  It's profound beauty is hard for him to put into words but Steven is certain about one thing...he doesn't want to leave here.  The author confirms the verse found in the Holy Scriptures  1 Corinthians Chapter 2 verse 9 which states, '"No eye has seen, No ear has heard and no mind imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him"'.
I had a great desire to read this true account because on July 17, 2016 I suffered a heart attack and flat-lined more than twenty times.  Being in the hospital I was always close by the medical staff and they would immediately use the defibrillator to bring me back to life which would halt a near death experience.  I was very curious as to what the writer experienced.  I was given the opportunity to read in exchange for my thoughts by the Blogging for Books team.  I enjoyed this story so much that I read it several times before starting my review.  There is such encouragement and inspiration pertaining to the Heavenly home that Christ has prepared for His Children.  I highly recommend this book.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ron Marasco's "The Dog Who Was There" will soften the Hardest Heart

                     Author Ron Marasco's "The Dog Who Was There" will soften the hardest heart.  Those who know the real unconditional love of a pet will agree this was the perfect choice for a lead character in this novel.  Barley comes from painful beginnings having no home and knowing real hunger.  Barley longs to meet the special teacher from Galilee.  Along his journey he befriends a petty criminal.  They face adversary and difficulty together but there is much hope awaiting him.  This fictional story shares the utmost joy when Barley bears witness to Jesus Christ.  This book is heart wrenching and heart warming at the same time.  I was given the wonderful opportunity to review in exchange for my thoughts.  Many will fall in love with Barley and it's a story that should be shared among generations.  I was given the ultimate opportunity to review this novel for BookLook
bloggers in exchange for my thoughts.  Very inspirational.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Readers Cannot Put Down The Polygamist's Daughter

Anna LeBaron's true account of her life is so surreal that I had a hard time believing it.   Her father was known as the prophet of evil, Ervil LeBaron who not only had multiple wives but who was also a murderer.  Contrary to what any religion would enforce, Anna lives in a constant state of fear.  Under the guise of a branch of Christianity, Ervil dances with the Devil.  Readers won't be able to put this book down.  I, personally, have a great distaste for anyone who uses religion to appear one way when in reality they are out to destroy.  My heart broke for Anna.  This book proves not to judge a book by its cover and also that the human spirit can overcome much.  I was given the awesome opportunity to read this book for the Tyndale Blogging Network in exchange in my personal thoughts.  Not for the faint of heart.

Sally Clarkson's Account Is a God Send

Sally Clarksons, "Different: The Story of an Outside-the-Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him" proves that being different is not an awful thing.  Her true account of her son who suffers from learning disabilities along with anxiety and OCD will inspire other parents who are going through the same experiences.  She pushes out the negative comments presented to her about her son's condition and she rely's on her faith in God to accentuate the positive.  Mom and son's love grows as they take this journey together.  I was given the wonderful opportunity to review this book for the Tyndale Network.  As a young adult I was diagnosed with chronic concurrent depression and panic disorder.  At the time my therapist had asked me if anyone in my family had noticed any difference in me while I was growing up.  That was over forty years ago and I honestly told my psychologist that my parents just thought that I was emotional and sensitive.  After reading Sally Clarkson's biography, I felt that so many more individuals could be helped by her sharing her story and inwardly I was jealous that this type of material was not available as I was growing up.  This is a superb read.  I highly recommend.