Thursday, March 31, 2016

Having a Martha Home the Mary Way

Ironically the book, Having a Martha Home the Mary Way, is written by Sarah Mae who did not like cleaning the house.  For those who do not know scripture, in the Book of Luke chapter 10 we read that Jesus was at the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus.  Martha was busy preparing and serving the meal to her guests while Mary chose to sit at Jesus's feet and listen.  Of course this irked Martha and she made it known.  Jesus's response to Martha was that Mary had chosen the better part.  It's not a surprise that the author choose this title for her book.  Perhaps the one thing I have taken from this book and would like to apply to my own life is that, we all have responsibilities we have to do.  Jesus looks at our hearts and what is our priority?
Sarah Mae shares with us how we can incorporate our spirituality into our everyday chores.  She draws strength from scripture daily to motivate her to get her work done.  The book includes a 31 day plan where the reader works on different, smaller projects each day.  This way it doesn't seem so overwhelming.  I enjoyed reading this publication for the Tyndale Network in exchange for my views. It was very good.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Accolades for Peter Szondy's Mustard Seed

                      There is much truth and many lessons to be learnt in Szondy's "Mustard Seed".  This being the primary reason I prefer non-fiction reads and although this story is fiction, it certainly fits the bill.  In fact it is a mix of delight; fun and instruction.  It's one of those books that you won't be able to put down.  Never doubting, my soul is like a sponge whenever it comes to anything about Miracles.  Realizing I am in the minority, I highly recommend this book to all skeptic's.  Read with an open mind.
                       Early in the book we find the Hopkin's family at Church.  Little Sara who is only 8 years old is singing "Amazing Grace" with her entire soul.  She has a faith that would undermine most adult's.  The author ensures the reader recognizes her fond spirit.  Jesus see's something in Her.  Numerous times,  Szondy reverts us to the well known scripture Luke Chapter 18 verse 17  which reads '"Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it."'
                       As many know, Sara goes on to perform many miracles (with God's assistance) throughout the novel.  Not wanting this review to be a spoiler, I choose to focus on the type of individual Christ would chose to do his will.  Sarah exemplifies these characteristics:  pure, sincere and childlike. This should be our goal each day.  I am so grateful I had the opportunity to examine this book in exchange for my honest opinion for BuzzPlant.  It deserve's an A+ and can be read for all ages.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Biblical Case for Pretribulationism

                  Many individuals would debate pretribulationism; some say that there will be a rapture but question the time of great affliction and other's question the rapture itself.  John F. Hart, along with a number of Professors and Theologians confirm both the pre-tribulation and the rapture in Moody Press's publication - Evidence for the Rapture.  This book contains a wealth of information with The New American Standard Bible used as it's main reference.  This resource is deep and to understand it's concepts must be thoroughly studied.
              With the focus being on the rapture wherein Jesus returns in the sky to round up his church of the day and those who have passed there is also much to be said about the events that surround Christ's return.
The contributors successfully confirm how Isreal is central to the tribulation and how they set up for the second coming.  They also elaborate on how the church is absent from the Earth but present in Heaven during the tribulation.
               This book is thorough and has a strong argument for it's naysayers.  I was given the opportunity to review this publication for Moody Press in exchange for my views.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Annie Novak Proves You Can Grow Anywhere

   Annie Novak does not miss a beat in her "The Rooftop Growing Guide -".  There is numerous reasons outside of lack of space that a gardener may want to transform their roof into a small farm.  Those who live in rural areas, as myself, would be thrilled not to have to contend with the many creatures on the ground - namely moles, rabbits and deer.  Thus I was excited to read this book and gain some new in sight.
  The author suggests to the reader to '"Grow with the Pro's"' stressing to use her book along with the internet to receive latest updates and tips.  This book is a wonderful collaboration of experiences from your common gardener along with professional gardeners as well.  It is packed with information on everything you need to know from getting a permit to setting up a plan.  It is a true asset for all who want to embark on this adventure.  I just can't say enough good things about it.
  I was given the honor of reading for Blogging for Books in exchange for my views.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Highly Recommended The NKJV Apply The Word Study Bible is Superb~

    The NKJV Apply The Word Study Bible promises it's readers to '"Live In His Steps"' and I confirm with all the extra's this book delivers.  King James devotees will appreciate the study helps, there are numerous.
I noted right off hand a pretty large concordance included.  This is an appealing feature because I always had to buy a separate concordance to meet my needs.  The one included is sufficient.  In the long run, this will save the buyer extra costs.
   As I said before, the features are massive, there's way too many to list.  I will list a few.  Thomas Nelson guarantee's this Bible for life.  Pretty awesome.
Every book in the Bible includes an introductory to prepare reader about the writer of the book and key lessons.  Along with this added bonus, there are plenty of notes and sidebars to explain what you are reading with cross references.  There are numerous tables, charts and maps.  Buyers also receive a Download Guide Apply The Word .  And if that is not enough there are videos and reading plans at the NKJV website.
I had the tremendous opportunity of reviewing the above for Book Look Bloggers in exchange for my views. I highly recommend this excellent resource.

Age Appropriate Bible Offers More Than Cuteness~

                     Age appropriate (4-8 years) and easy to understand The Veggie Tales Bible New International Reader Version is equipped with multiple tools to enhance your child's experience in learning the scriptures.
                     There is an introduction to each book to prepare the reader about who wrote the book and key highlights.  This is an essential guide especially for first time readers of the Bible.
Bigger words can sometimes be intimidating, so there is also a dictionary included to resolve that problem.
                    Parents will be pleased to know that chapters and sentences are shortened in an effort to keep the reader's interest.  Midway through the Bible there are 8 full color Bible stories as told by the veggie tales.  These are simply adorable and appear like comics.
                    For little minds that tend to forget "Remember This" has 100 entries of scripture to remember.  I was honored to read this book for Book Look Bloggers in exchange for my review.  This children's Bible actually is better than I expected and I very highly recommend!