Ironically the book, Having a Martha Home the Mary Way, is written by Sarah Mae who did not like cleaning the house. For those who do not know scripture, in the Book of Luke chapter 10 we read that Jesus was at the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Martha was busy preparing and serving the meal to her guests while Mary chose to sit at Jesus's feet and listen. Of course this irked Martha and she made it known. Jesus's response to Martha was that Mary had chosen the better part. It's not a surprise that the author choose this title for her book. Perhaps the one thing I have taken from this book and would like to apply to my own life is that, we all have responsibilities we have to do. Jesus looks at our hearts and what is our priority?
Sarah Mae shares with us how we can incorporate our spirituality into our everyday chores. She draws strength from scripture daily to motivate her to get her work done. The book includes a 31 day plan where the reader works on different, smaller projects each day. This way it doesn't seem so overwhelming. I enjoyed reading this publication for the Tyndale Network in exchange for my views. It was very good.