Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dr. Reggie Anderson Offers Hope During Life's Most Trying Times

Dr. Reggie Anderson won readers over with His best-seller "Appointments With Heaven: The True Story of a Country Doctor's Healing Encounters With The Hereafter".  He has had over twenty five years of emergency room experience witnessing diverse deaths often at the patient's bedside.  Now he gifts us with his newest publication "The One Year Book of Healing."  After witnessing suffering first-hand, he lends thoughts on overcoming these tribulations with Faith.
Presented as a devotional, the reader will be soothed and uplifted each day with a story, experience and/or scripture.  He reminds us that all of us experience heartache and that we are not alone.  This book targets physical, spiritual and emotional wellness.  The hope that he offers is priceless.  No doubt this much needed resource will rank high among best sellers as Dr. Anderson's books have achieved in the past. Tyndale Bloggers gave me the opportunity to read this stellar book in exchange for my thoughts.

Really Woolly 5 Minute Bedtime Treasury

Toddler's love the "Really Woolly" sheep that Dayspring Products introduced into their tiny world.
These sweet characters represent Christ and His faithful followers or the Shepard and his sheep.
The 5 Minute Bedtime Treasury is a collaboration of their short stories to share with your little ones before they fall asleep.  The book includes simple questions to ignite conversation and teach the listener.
Author Bonnie Ritner and illustrators Julie Sawyer Philips have created this endeared gift book.
Book Look Bloggers gave me the awesome opportunity to review in exchange for my thoughts.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Camila d'Errico Reigns Among Pop Mango Artists

Meet Camilla d'Errico, the young and talented canadian borne artist is gaining ground with her Pop Manga. Her work excels and she has a large following of fans.  One can't help but love her graphics which are cute and unique.  Her newest creation is Pop Manga Coloring Book where she gives her readers a chance to color her pictures.  I went ahead and framed a number of mine to put up in my daughter's room.
Coloring is known to relieve stress in adults and one can be proud to display the finishing projects from this desired book.  I was given the awesome opportunity to review for Blogging for Books.  It was a great pleasure.

Little One Can't Get to Sleep?

  Best selling Author and Psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel G. Amen created the Time for Bed Sleepyhead book in an effort to help little ones get to sleep.  With the sweet assistance of artist Gail Yerrill the story comes alive.  Her artwork is perfect.  The book is meant to be read aloud while mom's can read in between the lines to pick up ideas to help tire out her children enough to be ready for bed.  I give this book a big A+ because it not only entertains toddlers but assists parents with firm advice.  I was fortunate enough to review this book for Book Look Bloggers.  With the holidays right around the corner this would be a wise gift for children.