Friday, February 10, 2012

FIERCE BEAUTY ~ Choosing to Stand For What Matters Most

Kim Meeder confirms that there is a beauty which far surpasses that which is seen with the ordinary eye in her novel 'Fierce Beauty Choosing to Stand for What Matters Most'. Merriam-Webster defines this beauty as '"the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit"'. Although the author had to endure many tragedies in her young life, they did not leave her bitter or cold but rather taught her to rely on God and stand up for his promises. I applaud her for this sensational explanation of what should matter most in our lives. This book is highly recommended for all women, especially the young who are struggling to find real self-worth in a world where they are measured by the superficial. The book confirms that we are all beautiful in the Lord's sight and that by doing for him we find meaning and purpose. I am grateful that I got the wonderful opportunity to read and review this novel for Blogging for Books. I intend to purchase more copies for my daughters to enjoy and share with their families.

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